There are so many engine parts that can fail and need repairs. Sometimes, we overlook the parts that can have the biggest impact on our vehicle’s performance. Tires are so important because they can directly and indirectly affect so much. Be sure to pay attention to these four areas that impact your tires:
Tire tread
The tread is the most obvious sign that maintenance is required. Drivers should always be aware of how much of the tread has worn down. The best way to keep them wearing evenly is to rotate them regularly. The intervals in which you rotate tires should probably coincide with the oil changes. This is a good way for drivers to remember to take care of that tire maintenance.
Tire Pressure
One tool that every car owner should have is a tire pressure gauge. Car tires slowly lose pressure over time, and drivers should always be aware of this lost air pressure. If you can’t tell from a simple eye test, check with a pressure gauge. Tires should be inflated to the proper pressure, as indicated by the manufacturer. This should be done occasionally, possibly to coincide with gas station visits, or whenever the oil is checked.
Be conscious of your tires wearing down when driving. Many drivers handle their vehicle in a way that leaves skid marks, kicks up dust, or screeches to a halt. All of these methods can wear down tires a lot faster than normal. This may not be the way most people drive, but the same principles apply to every car. When driving, be sure not to put excessive wear on tires with frequent and sudden stops and starts.
Tire Depth Gauge
The tire depth gauge lets drivers measure the amount of wear happening to the tire. Instead of waiting until the wearing down is noticeable, a tire depth gauge gives you a more accurate reading. Tire depth gauges can be purchased at any auto parts store with instructions for the proper measurement and reading. Repeat the measurements in different parts of the tire about ten inches apart to ensure they are consistent throughout.
Your tire maintenance can affect other parts of your car, and your wallet. Low tire pressure will impact on your gas mileage. If you find yourself spending more at the pump than normal, that is one place to start. The car is forced to work harder when the tires don’t have the proper inflation. The steering alignment will be off as well due to improper inflation.
The pros at Xpress Lube will inspect your tires
Because so much is riding – literally – on your tires, they have to be in great shape. If you suspect a problem, just come down to Xpress Lube in Kernersville. We will give them a thorough inspection to identify the problem.