Be good to your car and your car will be good to you. While most drivers probably intend to stick to the first part of this phrase, it’s often easier said than done. With hectic and busy schedules, it can be difficult giving your vehicle the care and attention it needs. But, if you want yours to have a nice long life, regular maintenance is essential. If, for example, it has been a while since you got a tune-up, your car could be overdue. These are the signs you need a tune up and why you should not ignore them:
You Have Trouble Starting Your Car
Clearly, if it takes a few turns of the key to get your car started, something is wrong. The problem could be due to a couple of different things, including a bad sparkplug. An old battery may also be the culprit. A tune-up will address both of these areas.
Your Vehicle Stalls Often
Stalling is another indication that your car needs a tune-up. Usually a clogged oil filter or worn-out sparkplug causes stalling. If your car stalls frequently, you definitely don’t want to ignore this. If it happens while out on the road – at an intersection, for instance – it will put you and your passengers in danger.
You Hear Weird Noises While Driving
While noise certainly isn’t unusual when driving, if you hear weird sounds, this could be a problem. Squealing may be a sign that your fluids are running low. If you hear clunking, it is possible something has come loose.
You Have to Fill Up More Frequently
While some signs you need a tune up are pretty obvious, others may be hard to detect. One of these includes a reduction in fuel mileage. In order for a car to run as efficiently as possible, all systems have to be in optimal condition. Even if one part has worn out, this could have a negative impact on everything else, including fuel efficiency. As a result, you may be paying for more gas than you should.
You Have to Push Very Hard on the Brakes
It is not an overstatement to say how very important your brakes are. Often, they are the difference between getting into an accident and avoiding one. If you have to practically stomp on the pedal to get your car to stop, you need a tune-up.
Your Car Leans to One Side or the Other
Without you having to steer, your car should be able to drive a straight line by itself. If you constantly find yourself having to adjust because it’s leaning left or right, you have an alignment problem. Poor wheel alignment can be dangerous – especially on slick roads – and it also hurts fuel mileage.
Your Check Engine Light is On
Your ‘Check Engine’ light isn’t just there for decoration; if it’s on, you need to have your car checked. This is your vehicle’s way of saying that something is wrong. Chances are good that the problem is one of the issues mentioned above. And, the good news is that a tune-up should be able to take care of it. While in many cases you can drive with your ‘Check Engine’ light on, this isn’t advisable. You need to determine what is wrong and get it fixed.
Contact Xpress Lube if You have Noticed Any of These Signs You Need a Tune Up
Major car repairs can be expensive, but fortunately there is a way to prevent them. Regular tune-ups will keep your vehicle in tip-top shape for years to come. Before a small issue becomes a big problem, bring your car to Xpress Lube. Our expert technicians will make sure everything is in the best shape possible. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 336-993-7697 or fill out our online contact form.