When you go to have your oil changed, do they ask you about your air filter? You may think that the mechanic is just trying to get you to spend more money, but the truth is your car’s air filter is very important and is not something that should be ignored. Here are the reasons why you should be getting a regular air filter replacement:
Better fuel efficiency
Replacing a dirty air filter increases your fuel efficiency, which saves you money. It has been shown that putting in a new air filter can increase gas mileage in older cars by as much as 14 percent. A clogged air filter also affects acceleration because there is less airflow to the engine.
Reduced emissions
A clogged filter basically chokes an engine, and this can lead to problems with the emission control system of your vehicle. In addition, this could further result in an incorrect mixture of air and fuel as well as a problem with sparkplug ignition.
Prolonged engine life
If you want your engine to have a long life, you need to replace your air filter on a regular basis. This is because the air filter traps dirt and debris that could cause damage to internal parts of the engine, including the pistons and cylinders. Even something as small as a grain of sand can cause severe problems, leading to expensive repairs.
Not as many oil changes
A lot of the dirt found in the oil actually comes from clogged air filters. As long as you ensure that your car always has a clean air filter, your oil will stay cleaner longer, which means less frequent oil changes.
The other type of air filter
Aside from your engine, there is another kind of air filter your car might have that you may not know about. This is the cabin air filter, which is found in many late-model cars. Similar to the engine filter, the one for the cabin cleans the air that comes in through the heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems. This filter also needs to be replaced regularly to:
Protect your air system
When the cabin air filter becomes clogged, dirt and debris can build up in the A/C and heating system, which lessens performance.
Prevent unnecessary repairs
If airflow to the ventilation system is being obstructed, this could be mistaken for a heating or air conditioning system problem. Instead of checking your cabin air filter, a mechanic might just assume it is a more serious issue.
Your air filter is something that should be checked often. It is a small part of your car, but it plays a big role. When you come into Xpress Lube for an oil change, we will always take a look at your air filter to see what kind of shape it is in and let you know if it should be replaced. The same applies for your cabin air filter. At Xpress Lube, we will make sure that all components of your car are working properly.